Taking Care of Your Oral Health in Self Isolation
During self-isolation, make sure you are well prepared to care for your oral health.
Toothbrush Hygiene
Keep safe by making sure nobody uses each other’s toothbrushes and that they are stored well away from everybody else’s toothbrush. The damp environment of a toothbrush is ideal for spreading viruses. Use separate toothpaste as well.
Continue with Your Normal Oral Care Routine
Sticking to every day routines is important while self-isolating and particularly your dental maintenance routine. Make sure you continue to brush at least twice a day and floss once-a-day. If you wish, use a mouthwash with a 1% peroxide and swish vigorously for 30 seconds as this can slightly reduce the risk of spreading viruses.
Watch Your Diet
It’s a time when it’s tempting to indulge in snacks and Netflix, but try to limit your consumption of sugary or acidic foods. Instead, concentrate on eating foods that will boost your immune system like vitamin-rich and nutrient-dense fruits and veggies.
Stay Active
Make sure you have some form of physical activity every day. If you can’t get outside, there are plenty of fun exercise routines online.
Drink Water
It is easy to become dehydrated and especially if you are fighting an infection. Some medications can reduce saliva flow too, so be sure to drink plenty of plain water.