Benefits of CEREC Crowns

The Function of your Teeth is Restored Immediately

Smile Inn Dentistry is a family-focused dental practice, serving the local community for sixty years. We strive to build long lasting relationships with our patients, respecting and honouring their trust. Our dental team take the time to get to know you; when we understand your concerns, we can help you more effectively.

At Smile Inn Dentistry, we aim to make sure each patient has a personalised experience. We give extra time to listen and fully understand our patient’s concerns so we can educate and empower them to be part of the process. We work together as a team to attain not just good dental health but optimum overall well-being.

Our team at Smile Inn Denisitry believes that patient education needs to come first and foremost to enhance prevention, and if needing treatment, provides the most effective minimally invasive options, using modern techniques and equipment.

