How Vitamin D Can Help Your Teeth

Vitamin D deficiency is very common, but it’s a vitamin that is vital for good dental health. It helps to ensure your body can absorb the correct amount of phosphate and calcium needed for healthy teeth and bones, as well as muscles. People with a severe vitamin D deficiency have a higher chance of losing bone density, and there is a greater risk they will have tooth decay and teeth that are generally weaker, and they are more likely to have gum disease, a severe condition that can cause tooth loss and which affects overall health. Vitamin D deficiency is particularly concerning in people with dental implants as it can be a major risk factor for failure. These are all symptoms that we can detect during your regular dental checkups here at Smilexcellence. We check your mouth for signs of gum inflammation, gum recession, and other symptoms such as tooth decay.

If we suspect you may be deficient in vitamins D, you might need to see your GP for a blood test. The good news is that Vitamin D deficiencies are usually easy to correct with supplements. Vitamin D is also present in some foods naturally, for example, fatty fish, and certain foods are fortified with Vitamin D. These foods include milk, orange juice and some cereals so it is useful to read food labels.